Welcome and thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me and how I may assist you at this point in your life journey. I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, and Specialist in Meditation and Imagery with over 15 years of experience treating adults and adolescents. I also offer groups and workshops to individuals and organizations wishing to further their ability to live authentically, courageously and connected to their inner guidance.
Serenity may feel like a very foreign concept, especially in today’s fast paced, disconnected world. It can be especially hard to feel at peace when our strategies that were once effective for managing stress or our efforts to change our circumstances just aren’t working anymore. During these times we often feel stuck, overwhelmed, hopeless, numb, and possibly disconnected from those around us. Perhaps we feel that we are never “good enough”. We may experience prolonged struggles with anxiety, depression, grief, addictive behaviors or have trouble managing distressing feelings and thoughts.
I feel honored to be permitted to sit with people in what is sometimes one of the darker times of their life and walk beside them back into the light. You can learn to thrive despite the inevitable obstacles and setbacks of life, and discover freer, more relaxed ways of being in the world. You can learn to choose authenticity over pretending, perfecting and pleasing and connect with others around the courage it takes to embrace the full human experience. You can learn to nurture and care for yourself and live a wholehearted life. And most importantly, you can learn to tap into the wellspring of calm waters that are within you at all times and interact with the world from your most powerful, serene, authentic self.
Therapy is not about talking with someone who has all of the answers or is an expert who will solve all of your problems for you. It is also not a one size fits all experience. A good therapeutic experience is based on connection and safety. To be heard, have your story honored, to be understood free from judgment and supported along your path of self discovery is the key to this soul mending work. The counseling relationship creates a space of exploration used to gain insight and understanding into the struggles of daily living and accumulated pains of life. Through the therapeutic process we also draw upon the whole person, our deep truths, strengths and gifts that bring value to each person to help create the changes in your life you are seeking.
Therapy is not about talking with someone who has all of the answers or is an expert who will solve all of your problems for you. It is also not a one size fits all experience. A good therapeutic experience is based on connection and safety. To be heard, have your story honored, to be understood free from judgment, and be supported along your path of self-discovery is the key to this soul-mending work.
The counseling relationship creates a space of exploration used to gain insight and understanding into the struggles of daily living and the accumulated pains of life. Through the therapeutic process, we also draw upon the whole person, our deep truths, strengths, and gifts that bring value to each person to help create the changes in the life that you are seeking.